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Sunshine's text is stored in BMG files, which are JSystem message archives.

Text Symbols[edit | edit source]

Some images are able to be displayed in text boxes. Below is a list of currently known ones and the text you put in the bmg files to make them appear

Image Symbol
Left Arrow(USA+) {
Right Arrow(USA+) }
A Button / B Button(3DAS) @
B Button / Y Button(3DAS) #
Y Button ¥
X Button +
Z Button / L Trigger(3DAS) $
Left Trigger / ZL Trigger(3DAS) <
Right Trigger / ZR Trigger(3DAS) >
Control Stick(EUR+) / Left Stick(3DAS) *
C-Stick / Right Stick(3DAS) %
R Trigger(3DAS)
Right Stick Click(3DAS) ~
A Button(3DAS) ^
+ Button(3DAS) `

BMG Sounds[edit | edit source]

In the BMG editor, each dialogue message has a sound connected to it. This is how you specify the sound the NPC will make when you talk to them. (NOT TOTALLY ACCURATE, STILL NEEDS TO BE CONFIRMED)

Number Sound
0 Peach Normal
1 Peach Surprise
2 Peach Worry
3 Peach Angry
4 Peach Appeal
5 Peach Doubt
6 Toadsworth Normal
7 Toadsworth Excited
8 Toadsworth Advice
9 Toadsworth Confused
10 Toadsworth Ask
11 Toad Normal
12 Toad Cry S
13 Toad Cry L
14 Toad Peace
15 Toad Sad S
16 Toad Ask
17 Toad Confused
18 Toad Recover
19 Toad Sad L
20 (M)Pianta Normal
21 (M)Pianta Lost
22 (M)Pianta Normal
23 (M)Pianta Laugh D
24 (M)Pianta Disgusted
25 (M)Pianta Anger S
26 (M)Pianta Surprise
27 (M)Pianta Doubt
28 (M)Pianta Displeased
29 (M)Pianta Confused
30 (M)Pianta Regret
31 (M)Pianta Proud
32 (M)Pianta Recover
33 (M)Pianta Inviting
34 (M)Pianta Question
35 (M)Pianta Laugh
36 (M)Pianta Thanks
37 (F)Pianta Normal
38 (F)Pianta Regret
39 (F)Pianta Inviting
40 (F)Pianta Laugh
41 (M)Noki Normal
42 (M)Noki Regret
43 (M)Noki Laugh
44 (M)Noki Appeal
45 (M)Noki Suprise
46 (M)Noki Sad
47 (M)Noki Ask
48 (M)Noki Prompt
49 (M)Noki Thanks
50 (W)Noki Normal
51 (W)Noki Regret
52 (W)Noki Laugh
53 (W)Noki Appeal
54 (W)Noki Surprise
55 (W)Noki Sad
56 (W)Noki Ask
57 (W)Noki Prompt
58 (W)Noki Thanks
59 Elder Noki Normal
60 Elder Noki Regret
61 Elder Noki Laugh
62 Elder Noki Appeal
63 Elder Noki Surprise
64 Elder Noki Sad
65 Elder Noki Ask
66 Elder Noki Prompt
67 Elder Noki Thanks
68 Tanuki Normal
69 Sunflower Joy
70 Sunflower Sad
71 Sunflower Joy
72 Sunflower Sad
73 (F)Pianta Laugh D
74 (F)Pianta Disgusted
75 (F)Pianta Anger S
76 (F)Pianta Surprise
77 (F)Pianta Doubt
78 (F)Pianta Displeased
79 (F)Pianta Confused
80 (F)Pianta Proud
81 (F)Pianta Recover
82 (F)Pianta Question
83 (F)Pianta Thanks
84 (M)Noki Flute
85 Sunflower Joy 2
86 FMario Pshot

Text Colors[edit | edit source]

Text in messages can be colored in all the different colors you can find on a GameCube controller's buttons and sticks. The control code for this is 1A 06 FF 00 00 XX, where XX is the hex value for the color, listed below. In the BIN editor's BMG editor, the control code will be represented as [esc][06][FF][00][00][XX].

Text Color Color Hex Value
White (default) 00
Gray 01
Red 02
Blue 03
Yellow 04
Green 05

Past this are two invisible colors, then everything after that is presumably garbage data.