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Camera Zones[edit | edit source]

In the table.bin, the section "CubeGeneralInfoTable" with the key "カメラキューブテーブル" (translated to Camera Cube Table) holds zones where the camera logic acts different than normal. For example, the inside of buildings or boss fights where the camera rotates around the boss are often triggered by these objects when the player enters their hitbox, and returns to normal camera logic when they leave them. They have position, scale, rotation, but also include variables for a type and a linked camera key, which is a camera position object in "CameraMapToolTable" (often used for shine appearing cutscenes). If the object key is set to "なし" (translated to null), the logic will often change to instead be based around the "StagePositionInfo" object, with various changes to the logic

Gif of Mario using a camera zone with the unknown value 3 set to 41, the object key null, and the StagePositionInfo object positioned at the center of the plaza
Gif of Mario using a camera zone with the unknown value 3 set to 41 and the object key set to a "CameraMapInfo" object positioned at the center of the plaza
Type Name Type Value Null Camera Key Logic (なし) Set Camera Key Logic Example Usage
kindFollow 0 NOTHING Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindParallel 1 NOTHING Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindMultiPlayer 2 Camera freezes in place when entering the zone. You cannot center the camera or aim FLUDD. Using any nozzle besides the spray nozzle unlocks the camera. Being off the ground slowly rotates the camera to look down. Leaving the zone quickly transitions the camera from a close offset from Mario to the closest point the where the camera was frozen. Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindWallJump 3 Camera can be panned in and out slightly more on Mario Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindHipAttack 4 Camera can be panned down more (below the ground a bit) Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindRocketJump 5 Camera angle faces more downward than normal Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindWire 6 Camera angle faces more downward than normal, can't pan in as far Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindNormal 7 Forces the camera into aiming mode, can be exited by using any nozzle besides the spray Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindMarUnderGround 8 Camera can pan in more, camera angle is more downward the more zoomed out it is (faces directly at mario fully zoomed it, faces directly down fully zoomed out) Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindDefiniteD2 9 You cannot center the camera or aim FLUDD. Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindTalkE 10 Camera pans much slower, the angle is more downward and you can't pan out as far. You cannot center the camera or aim FLUDD. Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindLeanMirror 11 Camera pans much slower, the camera is much further out and you can't pan much at all Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindTalkA 12 Camera pans much slower, the camera is much further out and you can't pan out as far but you can pan closer. You cannot center the camera or aim FLUDD. Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindUnderGround 13 Camera faces directly down, panning just controls the height of the camera Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindIndoor 14 Camera faces at a 45-degree angle to Mario, you cannot pan in or out. Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindHang 15 Camera faces at a steeper angle, the camera pans at a lower height Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindWireHang 16 Camera slowly lerps to focus on a position a little in front of Mario, otherwise basically the same Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindSandBird 17 Camera faces at a steeper angle, camera pans out much further and faster Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindHovering 18 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindJumpCode 19 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindDelfino 20 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindClimb 21 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindFixA 22 Camera stays at set position Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindFixB 23 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindFixC 24 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindFixD 25 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindFixE 26 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindFixF 27 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindFixG 28 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindFixH 29 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindDefiniteA 30 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Noki Bay Super Trampoline
kindDefiniteB 31 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindDefiniteC 32 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindDefiniteD 33 You cannot use the right trigger to change camera angles or aim FLUDD Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Inside the Blue Coin Hut
kindDefiniteE 34 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindDefiniteF 35 Unknown Camera points to Mario from the linkedCam position Unknown
kindDefiniteG 36 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindDefiniteH 37 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindExMap0 38 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindTowerA 39 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindTowerB 40 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindTowerC 41 Camera rotates based on a point and Marios position Camera points inward to "StagePositionInfo" Camera points out from the "CameraMapInfo" object
kindSlider 42 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindDiving 43 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindTurbo 44 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindTalkB 45 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindJetCoaster 46 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindParallelB 47 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindSurfing 48 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindSwimming 49 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindClimbJump 50 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindLookDown 51 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindRailFence 52 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindFollowB 53 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindFollowC 54 Forces the camera angle to be higher Smoothly moves the camera to a higher angle if too low Unknown
kindTowerD 55 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindDelfinoAttic 56 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindBossGeso 57 Camera setting used when pulling on gooper bloopers arm or face Unknown Unknown
kindFixI 58 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindDefiniteI 59 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindFence 60 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindMonteFence 61 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindMonteHang 62 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindTalkC 63 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindTalkD 64 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindTowerE 65 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindDelfinoB 66 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindCancan 67 Camera setting for pulling the chain chomplets tail Unknown Unknown
kindAquaticTurbo 68 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindFollowD 69 Camera slowly transitions to a closer and lower offset from the player compared to the default camera. You can still control the camera. Leaving the zone does a fast transition to the closest default camera offset. Camera instantly snaps to and stays at the position of the linked CameraMapInfo and points at Mario. You cannot use the right trigger to change camera angles or aim FLUDD. (Leaving the zone does an instant transition to closest default camera offset?) Plaza Blue Coin Jail
kindFollowE 70 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindParallelC 71 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kindParallelD 72 Unknown Unknown Unknown

Tower Zones[edit | edit source]

Tower Camera Zones work on the idea of rotating around a central point, with Mario controlling the rotation around this point based on his position. They work in conjunction with a "StagePositionInfo" object in the bin editor, which acts as the point to rotate around. There are 5 different tower camera zones

Type Name Type Value StagePositionInfo Key
kindTowerA 39 塔カメラA中心
kindTowerB 40 塔カメラB中心
kindTowerC 41 塔カメラC中心
kindTowerD 55 塔カメラD中心
kindTowerE 65 塔カメラE中心