COL file type

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General Info[edit | edit source]

Col files store the collision model of the game. It's made up of a header, multiple groups (info about a collision type), multiple vertices, and the vertex indexes to create triangles.

File Structure
* Header
* Group List
* Vertex List
* Triangle Variables

Header Section[edit | edit source]

Intro part of the file, holds info about the future sections of the file

Section Offset Byte Length Description
0x00 4 Vertex Count: uint32
0x04 4 Vertex Offset: uint32
0x08 4 Group Count: uint32
0x0c 4 Group Offset: uint32

Groups[edit | edit source]

A group holds the information about a specific collision type. Each group has a vertex index offset, which specifies which vertex to start making triangles from (uses 3 and move to the next 3). Reminder that the order of vertices calculate the normal of the face.

Section Offset Byte Length Description
0x00 2 Collision Type: uint16
0x02 2 Triangle Count: uint16
0x04 1 Group Flags (Padding): bool
0x05 1 Has Col Parameter: bool
0x06 2 Padding: Always 0xFFFF
0x08 4 Vertex Index Offset: uint32
0x0C 4 Terrain Type Offset: uint32
0x10 4 Unknown Offset: uint32
0x14 4 Col Parameter Offset: uint32

Vertexes[edit | edit source]

Vertex Data

Section Offset Byte Length Description
0x00 4 X Pos: float32
0x04 4 Y Pos: float32
0x08 4 Z Pos: float32

Triangle Variables[edit | edit source]

The information held for each triangle

Section Offset Byte Length Description
0x00 1 uint8 Terrain Type
0x01 1 uint8 ????
0x02 2 uint16 Parameter (if yes)